Virtual Sign In Board (VSIB) consists of a Web based application that allows hunters to reserve hunting stands or zones through a smart phone. Even if you are not an expert with your mobile phone you can still participate by using three simple functions: Sign In, Sign Out, and See All Current Hunters. It can even handle guest hunters. It will also show you the temperature, wind speed, and current and future wind directions for your hunting location and much more. VSIB's can be used as a tool to organize your club and make it be more efficient and effective. Also it has amazing tools to help you, the individual hunter, be more successful in your quest.
So easy to use, you do not have to be a Millennial to know how to use it!
Our members have been using our software for over 7 hunting seasons!
Convenience and Savings
You can sign in to your stand before leaving home or from hunt camp before you even get in the truck! Not only is VSIB convenient, but it will save you time and gas because you won't have to keep driving to a central location to sign in and out. Time driving, and the gas expense to get to and from your physical sign in board is eliminated, saving you and your club valuable time and money. One weekend driving to and from the sign in board is more expensive than signing up for VSIB; especially, if you're hunting multiple land parcels that are spread out over several miles. Don't let driving to the sign in board be a chore any longer!
So, if you're ready to save Time, and Cash on gas, then VSIB is a great investment for your club!
Every club with a physical sign in board has an occasional problem with people who don't want to go sign in either because they were running late, or it's too far to drive. If you are like me, you hate arriving at a stand location to find out someone else is already there. The other members will know where you are too, so they will know not to mess you up by coming to your stand on accident.
With VSIB, signing in, and seeing where others are hunting is at the touch of your fingers! You can also run reports to see what locations have been hunted the most.
Safety is built into VSIB. VSIB does something no physical sign in board can do. It knows when a hunter did not sign out, and it sends out a safety alert! Every member of your club can see where members are hunting, so if any kind of problems occur, then the other members immediately know where to go to help. At 9:30 p.m. every night, VSIB checks to make sure all hunters have signed off. If a member did not sign off, then the safety alert is sent via a text message alerting that member, and the people in charge, allowing them to check up on the member who did not sign out.
Another VSIB safety system allows a member to send an emergency text with their GPS location on a Google map with a single click of a button. This location is sent to the people in charge of the sign in board plus one emergency contact that the distressed member has previously designated.
VSIB helps your club keep its members safe by including safety systems!
How Does It Work?

1. One member (usually the club president or secretary) creates a sign in board by adding locations or zones. They can also upload a zone map and designate pin locations as a visual reference to all club members. They perform these functions from this website by logging into our Manager from a personal computer.
2. Members are then invited to join this sign in board via our website through email or text. The club can also pay for all members from the website if they prefer.
3. Once everything is setup and configured, each member may then use their smart phone browser to go to VSIB.mobi, where they can login, and start using the Web App.
4. Then VSIB recommends creating a bookmark, or short cut to our Web App. By creating the short cut after the member logs in, the phone remembers their login information, and the member will save time by not having to sign in each time they want to use VSIB. Members may also log off after each use, if so desired.
* LOW Cost per member per hunting season - No monthly fees!
* Very easy & intuitive to use - Written specifically for Hunting Clubs!
* Pay for all Club Members with one Payment using our easy to use manager interface!
* Because it is a Web App (meaning you do not have to download it from any app store), it is compatible with ALL smart phones
* Also because it is a Web App, all updates are done in real time meaning you do not have to manually update your app
* 9:30 P.M. logout safety alerts for members that did not sign out
* Members can join and create unlimited number of sign in boards for multiple clubs or properties
* Promotes positive communication between club members through notifications, photo sharing, and member forums
* Members can send an emergency location text if they are in trouble
* Step by step instructional videos give directions on how to setup a sign in board and how to use it
* Harvest report where a club can report their successes
* Custom reports that allow hunting club to collect whatever type of data they desire including setting up Custom Harvest Reports
* News and Social Feed pages where all members can stay up to date on club happenings
* To do list where the sign in board administrator can share things that need to be done around their club
* Administrative reports of all the sign in board data during the season
* Individual member features such as a hunt journal, trail camera tracker, and a tool to help mark your equipment by its GPS location
* And much more... To many to discuss here...
We have spent a lot of time on these videos. We highly recommend you watch them all before using VSIB. These videos will answer 99% of all your questions!
Watch our step by step video of how to setup a sign in board.
Now, watch our video of how to use a sign in board.
Watch our step by step video of how to setup a custom report.
Watch our video of how to use our personal use features.
Watch our step by step video of how to use our Hit List feature.
How to make an icon on your phone's home screen.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I setup a sign in board and use it?
As stated above, we have worked on our videos to include step by step instructions. If you watch our videos you will not have any questions on how easy it is to setup and use VSIB for your club.
What is the cost and what do you mean hunting season?
The cost is $9.99 per member per hunting season. A hunting season is defined as from June 1st, 2024 to May 31st, 2025. After that period a renewal would be required.
Is there a limit on how many sign in boards or hunting clubs I can use with my membership?
No limit. The $9.99 cost covers as many sign in boards and hunting clubs you want to be involved in. We have members who are in multiple clubs in multiple states so it does not matter.
Can I pay for all my members of my hunting club?
Yes. After you invite them all, you can then select the members you want to pay for and then submit your credit card payment to pay for them. Of course, they will will still have the option to pay for it themselves if your hunting club requires that.
How accurate is your weather forecase?
We pay for the use of Dark Sky's weather API. They are one of the most accurate weather providers operating today.
Will my zone maps and settings be deleted at the end of the year?
No. All of your zone maps, photos, and settings will be carry over from one hunting season to another. We highly recommend you download all of your hunting log data from the Manager on your personal computer. This information does get purged September 1 in order to get ready for the upcoming hunting season.
Explain the 9:30 p.m. Sign Out time? Why so late?
This is based on years of working on our sign in board model. We have learned that 9:30 p.m. is the right time to check up on club members without sounding false alarms. It also allows us to predefined a safe time that will work in all the states across the country.
Why don't you use interactive maps to create zone maps?
Using interactive maps would make our Web app to complicated and would add additional cost that would not be worth it. Our upload your zone map system has worked great since we have started offering our service. We do not compete with mapping apps that focus on these interactive type maps.
I have a large hunting club and I would like to have my own, private version of VSIB. Is that an option?
Yes, we do have a "white list" version of VSIB that allows you to use your own icons and branding. This version is also hosted with your own domain on our web server. Please contact us at support@virtualsigninboard.com for more information if you are interested.
Can I suggest features and impovements?
But of course you can! We offer a user survey at the end of the year so we can determine what changes need to be made to be serve all our members. You can always contact us at support@virtualsigninboard.com.